The °NORTH Manifesto

The guiding principles for our work

1.    Design Matters.

2.    Design should be used to elevate the everyday.

3.    We are multi-sensory and our senses should be engaged.

4.    Design is fundamentally a mediating device. (for example, between the following)

  • The Natural + The Manmade

  • Public + Private

  • Residential + Commercial

  • Light + Dark

  • Hot + Cold

  • Wet + Dry

5.    The specifics of our unique locale should be used to help define our place.

6.    Design solutions should use both high-tech and low-tech approaches.

7.    Sustainability and self-sufficiency are crucial, with one helping to achieve the other.

8.    Alaska is full of renewable resources - embrace our local materials.

9.    Design like you give a damn. Pretend like each project is your last – make it count.

10. 10+10=20 but 10x10=100. Think strategically to amplify efforts.